Thursday, July 1, 2010

July Trestleboard, Secretery


Our Annual Santa Maria Style BBQ is coming up on Saturday, September 11, 2010. Please save the date.

The Greenleaf Masonic Temple Association has recently finished putting in carpet and a dance floor in our main dining room. The room looks great and much more appealing to potential renters. The annual BBQ proceeds helped make this possible The Board has worked diligently to reduce costs of operation and maintain building maintenance of the Lodge’s Main asset, our building. Thanks to Brother, Joe Grubb we have reduced electrical costs by changing out lights. Brother, Charlie Trent has repaired the tile in the main ding room. Work parties led by our Wardens have improved the look of the kitchen and the exterior of the building.

You can help reduce the operating costs of our Lodge by sending in your e-mail address and having the Trestleboard and other announcements and events additions sent to your computer. Just e-mail and we will make the change. Each Trestleboard costs nearly a dollar to mail, so help your dues go a little further and save a few trees at the same time.

There are over 20 members who have not paid their 2010 dues. We will be paying $33 per member in the annual Grand Lodge assessment in early August so it would be a great help for as many people as possible to be paid up. If you are having some financial difficulties the Lodge will consider remitting your dues for 2010. We do not have to pay the assessment on members whose dues are remitted and the names are kept confidential... The action requires a written request. Please either pay or write the Lodge immediately.

Jerry Garfield Laiblin, P.M.


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