Friday, June 11, 2010

See What's New at

I like most of you received the below Note, but thought it appropriate to share.

Find It at

We're proud to announce the launch of the redesigned, your web destination for learning about the support services of the Masonic Homes of California.
Besides an updated look, now has a number of new features.

Streamlined information
• Site organized by the three distinct services offered by the Masonic Homes of California
o Masonic Homes for Seniors
o Masonic Senior Outreach (formerly MOS)
o Masonic Family Outreach
• At-a-glance information about services and eligibility
• Easy-to-find answers to frequent questions
New features
• Under Masonic Homes for Seniors tab, for each campus:
o Comprehensive information on Services, Features, and Recreation page
o Fee schedules
o Aerial views
o Google maps and directions
o New photo galleries
o Resident perpectives video clips
• Under Masonic Senior Outreach tab:
o FAQs
o Links to specialty services provided by related Masonic organications
Take a few minutes to visit the
redesigned site, and share the news with the fraternity.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June Trestleboard, Master


This month is our Public Schools Month, and with that comes the awarding of the Arnold Wilmott Scholarship. This year, four very deserving students and their families will be joining us at our stated meeting. Our Lodge will also be present to award them their checks at there School Awards ceremony.

Please join us to meet and congratulate these very bright students and families. Remember, the stated meeting dinner starts at 06:30 pm the first Wednesday of the Month. (June 2nd)

On June 16th, I have planned our 2nd Movie night at the Lodge. The last one was great, the Movie “UP” was shown, with many refreshments and good fellowship. This month we will be showing “Avator” – The movie starts at 6:00. Don’t be late!

Lastly, I would like to thank all the Brethren who came to the work party last month. Several repairs were made under the supervision of Brother Dave & Anthony.

Phill E. Mossey

The Pomegranates

By Wor. H. Meij

The word pomegranate comes from the French words pome grenate, or apple with many seeds. It is believed to have been first cultivated by the Phoenicians, and was widely available in the Mediterranean region. Pomegranates are explained in the second degree lecture, where it is explained that "th Poe fr th ex of it ses, de Pl."
Seeds serve as a symbol of fertility in many cultures. For example in ancient Greece, the pomegranate was attributed to Hera and Aphrodite (Venus). In ancient Rome newly wed women wore headdresses made from pomegranate twigs, and its juice was consumed as a remedy for infertility. Since the rind of the fruit is tough, but the juice sweet, the pomegranate came to symbolize the priest; severe on the outside, indulgent on the inside. Moses was ordered to put embroided pomegranates, with golden bells between them, at the bottom of the high-priest’s robe (Exodus 39:26). St. John of the Cross made the pomegranate seeds the symbol of divine perfection.
The Romans considered the Pomegranate to be the fruit mentioned as being abundant in Eden. Jewish tradition has it that pomegranates have 613 seeds, which equals the 613 commandments.
In the Greek myth of Persephone's abduction by Hades, lord of the underworld, the pomegranate represents life, regeneration, and marriage. One day while out gathering flowers, Persephone noticed a narcissus of exquisite beauty. As she bent down to pick it, the earth opened and Hades seized her and dragged her down to his kingdom. By eating a few pomegranate seeds, Persephone tied herself to Hades, the pomegranate
being a symbol of the indissolubility of marriage. Inconsolable at the loss of her daughter, the corn goddess Demeter prevented the earth from bearing fruit unless she saw her daughter again. Zeus intervened and worked out a compromise: Persephone should live with Hades for one third of the year and the other two thirds with Demeter. Persephone's return from the underworld each year is marked by the arrival of Spring.
Priests of Demeter and Eleusis were crowned with pomegranate branches. Pomegranates were also planted on the graves of heroes, perhaps in the hope of many successors. The Chinese also revere the fruit in this way, and it is one of the "Three Blessed Fruits of Buddhism," stemming from the legend of the demoness Hariti, who devoured children, and was cured of her evil habit by the Buddha, who gave her a pomegranate to eat.
In Persian mythology Isfandiyar eats a pomegranate and becomes invincible. In "The Persian War" Herodotus mentions golden pomegranates adorning the spears of warriors in the Persian phalanx.
Mohammed is said to have recommended the fruit to purge envy and hatred, and is referred to in the Koran as Rumman.

The Symbolism associated with the north

By Wor. H. Meij (Published in the June 2010 Trestleboard)

Why is it that the north has been associated with a place of darkness? We learn from the first degree lecture, that "there are three lights in a Lodge....There is none in the north”In "King Solomon’s Temple....the sun and moon....could dart no ray of light into the north part thereof. The north, therefore, we Masonically term a place of darkness”.
The Sun, while progressing through the ecliptic, never reaches farther than 23 degrees and 28 minutes north of the Equator. Therefore, a building that is erected further north than this would receive the sun, at its meridian height, only on its south side.
Similar references to darkness in the north can be found in the Bible. For example in Jeremiah 1-13/14 we find: “What seest thou? And I said, I see a seething pot; and the face thereof is toward the north. Then the Lord said unto me, out of the north an evil shall break forth upon all the inhabitants of the land”. Again, in Jeremiah 46-20: “destruction cometh; it cometh out of the north”.
As it is said that the Lord will rise again in the east, the east side of a church is always regarded as the most sacred. Indeed it was common practice for the dead to be buried with their feet towards to east, so that they could meet Him. In Wales, for example, a wind coming from the east, is referred to as "The wind of the dead man's feet". In a Lodge too, the east, the place of the Worshipful Master, where the Sun rises, is the most important.
Next is the south, then the west, and finally the north - this from the belief that the dead would rise in this order. Felons, therefore, were frequently buried in the north side of the churchyard. The east is considered God's side, where His throne is set; the west, man's side, the Galilee of the Gentiles; the south, the side of the “spirits made just” and angels, where the sun shines in her strength; the north, the devil's side, where Satan and his legion lurk to catch the unwary. Some churches
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have still a “devil's door” in the north wall, which is opened at baptisms and communions to let the devil out.
Another passage in the Bible, shows that the north is also associated with other forms of death, such as sacrifices. In Leviticus 1/11, we read "He is to slaughter it at the north side of the altar before the Lord, and Aaron's sons the priests shall sprinkle its blood against the altar on all sides".
In ancient Central American cultures, where directions have a permanent symbolic importance, north is the place the living come from and the dead return to, a country of cold, hunger, night. The eagle, symbol of war, resides in the north, because it is the territory of hunting and combat. The colour of north is black. Ancient Mongols, when making toasts, spilled their cups to the south to honour fire, to the east to honour air, to the west to honour water, and to the north to honour the dead.
Perhaps partly based on this Mongol tradition, in the ancient Japanese sport of Sumo, there are 4 colored tassels hanging above the ring where the Japanese wrestling (Sumo) takes place. Each represents a direction, and a season. A black tassel is representative of the north, and winter. The Japanese strongly believe that sleeping with ones head towards the north is bad luck.

During the Middle ages, an accused person would stand facing his jidges to the North. According to the book of Bahir (one of the oldest Kabalistic texts), the North is the abode of evil and the home of Satan.

June Trestleboard, Senior Warden


This year, the Arnold Wilmott Scholarship Foundation, in which our Lodge administers, has the privilege of awarding four scholarships in the amount of $ 10,000.00 each to deserving High School graduating seniors. They are chosen out of many applications, from local Whittier area Schools and are reviewed by our Scholarship committee. The student is scored by grade point scores, SAT test scores, financial need, as well as a written essay about themselves. It has been a tradition to invite these students, and families to join us at our June Stated Meeting. Please plan to attend to meet and learn how these Scholarships affect the outcome of future leaders of our community.

I would also like to remind all members that our Lodge is continuing to receive applications for degrees. That means that we are busy conferring degrees. I know that there is scheduled several 2nd and 3rd degrees in the coming months. Please plan on attending, and help welcome and support the new brothers and they journey through the degrees of Masonry.

Fraternally yours,
Anthony Casalicchio, Senior Warden

June Trestleboard, Junior Warden


On the weekend of April 30 – May 2, Brother Anthony Casalicchio, his wife Wendy, and I had the opportunity to attend the Senior Wardens’ Retreat. It was a weekend full of learning, fellowship, and enjoyment. We began promptly at 7:00pm on Friday evening with a seminar style group presentation which touched upon important Masonic topics such as: keeping in touch with our Brothers and how to create a personal connection with our new members so as to make them feel welcome in the Lodge. We then broke into small discussion groups to delve deeper into more specific ideas related to these topics.

All of Saturday was devoted to more seminars and discussion groups, mainly focusing on the economics of a Lodge. We learned about managing our investments funds, lifetime member funds, and how to calculate Lodge membership dues. After a long day of work we retired to our rooms to don our tuxedos and evening dresses as joined everyone in the ballroom for dinner and a night of dancing. Sunday morning we were back in the lecture hall to learn about Grand Lodge finances and information for this year’s Annual Communication. All in all, it was a very informative workshop which will help us to continue to be a successful Lodge and give us the tools which we will utilize during our years as Senior Warden and Worshipful Master.

I would like to thank the Lodge for giving us the opportunity to attend.


David Rubin
Junior Warden

June Trestleboard, Secretary


This is the first issue of your Trestleboard that has been printed by our own machine. This will save our Lodge money over time as we move further into the electronic age. Enjoy!


In our very first entry into Free Masonry we received a lesson in Masonic Charity. Every man on submitting his Petition for Degrees made a contribution to the Masonic Homes Foundation. It is time for our Fraternity to refocus on the Homes and its mission. The Foundation was created to provide a residence for our widows and elderly Brethren. As times changed and the waiting list for admission began getting longer, Masonic Outreach Services was launched. MOS as it more commonly called was designed to help our families stay in their own homes by helping find local appropriate social services, assisting in the payment of bills and providing in home care. It even assists members and their widows who live in other states. As our economy turned down it was opened up to individuals less than 55. Today a number of our Greenleaf Gardens Brethren are being assisted by MOS. The problem is that only 1% of Masons statewide now contribute to the Homes or MOS and costs are rising. If you are capable, consider making a charitable contribution to maintain this critical program by making a designated gift to the California Masonic Foundation. If you need more information log on to the Grand Lodge web site or contact me. Let us continue to support Masonic Charity.

There are a few members who have not paid their 2010 dues. Please do so immediately.

Jerry Garfield Laiblin, P.M.