Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June Trestleboard, Secretary


This is the first issue of your Trestleboard that has been printed by our own machine. This will save our Lodge money over time as we move further into the electronic age. Enjoy!


In our very first entry into Free Masonry we received a lesson in Masonic Charity. Every man on submitting his Petition for Degrees made a contribution to the Masonic Homes Foundation. It is time for our Fraternity to refocus on the Homes and its mission. The Foundation was created to provide a residence for our widows and elderly Brethren. As times changed and the waiting list for admission began getting longer, Masonic Outreach Services was launched. MOS as it more commonly called was designed to help our families stay in their own homes by helping find local appropriate social services, assisting in the payment of bills and providing in home care. It even assists members and their widows who live in other states. As our economy turned down it was opened up to individuals less than 55. Today a number of our Greenleaf Gardens Brethren are being assisted by MOS. The problem is that only 1% of Masons statewide now contribute to the Homes or MOS and costs are rising. If you are capable, consider making a charitable contribution to maintain this critical program by making a designated gift to the California Masonic Foundation. If you need more information log on to the Grand Lodge web site freemason.org or contact me. Let us continue to support Masonic Charity.

There are a few members who have not paid their 2010 dues. Please do so immediately.

Jerry Garfield Laiblin, P.M.

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