Tuesday, August 31, 2010

7 Facts you did not know about Freemasons

September 2010 Trestleboard

Freemasons has been a longstanding tradition since the Medieval Ages. Many people associate masonry with the Christian religion due to the crusades and have thought about Freemasons as members of organizations and communities that have hidden secrets and various ritualistic ceremonies. Regardless, there are facts about Freemasons that many people do not know and here are seven of them.

Freemasons Fact #1: Fraternities did not invite new members to join and close friends were prohibited by Masonic Law to give out invitations. Each member of a Masonry would have to become a member out of his own will and abilities.

Freemasons Fact #2: A Freemasons does not require any worship services to take place at the Lodge although it is highly affiliated with the church and religious virtues. Freemasons is strictly a fraternal organization where the meetings have been like club meetings. At these meetings, Freemasons discuss issues, community projects, current events and factors dealing with the Lodge.

Freemasons Fact #3: Masonic groups and societies have overtime become open to the public. Meetings of Freemasons are announced to the public and members of the groups are listed in public directories. The buildings in which meetings are held are marked by symbols and any other regalia such as Masonic rings are worn publicly. The idea of Freemasons as a secret society has been given up, but the only secrets that remain to the Masons are their passwords, signs of recognition and certain ceremonies.

Freemasons Fact #4: The Freemasons lodges in England have made it a custom for masons to wear white gloves. This tradition of wearing white gloves functions as protective clothing for stonemasons. It also became an act of etiquette in order to be well-mannered and bearing a formal dress code.

Freemasons Fact #5: There have been a handful of Presidents of the United States who were not only president, but also Freemasons. George Washington was the first person to be president of the US and a Master of a lodge. Theodore Roosevelt was initiated to a lodge where he changed its name from “Executive Mansion” to what is now known as the “White House.”

Freemasons Fact #6: One of the secret customs of Freemasons has been the Secret Ballot. The Secret Ballot was used when a man wanted to apply to become a Mason at a lodge and other members of the lodge would vote with the ballot to either accept or reject the man for membership. In addition, before admitting someone to become a mason, a thorough background check would be conducted first.

Freemasons Fact #7: Although Masonic communities and groups have revolved around initiations, levels of rank or degrees, rites and have been organized groups, there has not been one authoritative leader in Freemasons organizations. The Masons in Freemasons are governed by a set of laws and regulations of Freemasons itself. However, each Lodge has its own set of officers but every lodge in the entire world abides by the same symbols, degrees and rigor.

With these seven facts about Freemasons, it is now possible to make more accurate judgment about the nature of Freemasons, their organizations and the members.

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