Monday, February 22, 2010


By now many of you know that the Lodge has been attempting to contact all of our Brothers. However, much of the contact information which we have is outdated or missing. If you have not recently received a call from one of your Brothers please give the Lodge a call so that we can update your information and stay in contact with you

As you know we have just begun the new Masonic year and as such the Brethren have put forth some new goals for the Lodge. One very important goal is that of reconnecting and communicating with all of our Brothers, especially those who we have not seen or heard from in a long time.

We would like to know that you are doing alright and if we can be of any assistance to you. One of the most important tenets of Masonry is that of Brotherly Love and we have come to realized that we have not been giving our best efforts over the years to emulate it. People get very busy in their day to day lives and without realizing it time has passed and they have lost touch with that which is most dear to them: Friendship and Brotherly Love.

We would like to know what circumstances led to your absence at the Lodge and what we can to do in order that you might be encouraged to attend more often.

In order to facilitate ongoing communication with our Brethren, we are creating an email list so that we can send information about the Lodge, upcoming events, and even Trestle Boards on a more regular basis. Also, you might not know that Greenleaf Gardens has a website which is full of information and photos and can be an important tool to help stay connected.

Fraternally, David Rubin-Junior Warden

Feb. 2010 Trestleboard, Senior Warden


This month’s stated meeting is certainly going to be a memorable one. By this time you should have already received a personal invitation from one of the brothers of Greenleaf Gardens Lodge to attend February’s stated meeting and dinner. If you have not as of yet, then you will be very soon.

These personal invitations are more than just an opportunity to reconnect with an old friend, or to introduce ourselves to a brother of our lodge whom we have not yet met. They are also a faithful and sincere effort to encourage each and every brother to reconnect with the lodge to which he is a member, and truly rediscover the love which all masons should feel toward their craft. I am excited to see how many of our brethren will answer the call and attend lodge on this special Wednesday evening.

See you here.

Anthony Casalicchio

Senior Warden

Feb. 2010 Trestleboard, Secretary


If you have not paid your 2010 Lodge dues, please do so. We still have about 60 members who have not paid yet and this places a serious strain on our operational revenue early in the year.

We expect that attendance will be much heavier at the February 3rd Stated Meeting Dinner so we are asking that you call the Lodge “(562) 698-2755” to make reservations. Circle the date and “Come Home” to Greenleaf Gardens. If you know a Master Mason from another jurisdiction, bring him along too and introduce him to a great Lodge.

Our Head Candidates Coach has asked me to request volunteers who might come on Wednesday nights to help coach our ever growing candidates list. We have been doing a lot of degrees the past several years. By the way, come to a degree the next time you can. The work is magnificent.

Jerry Garfield Laiblin, P.M.


Feb. 2010 Trestleboard, Worshipful Master


This month the Grand Master has instructed all the Lodges under California Grand Lodge jurisdiction to hold the “Coming Home Program”. This event is to contact all on the Brethren and invite them back to Lodge. This works two fold; first we make contact with all of our membership, and also have the opportunity to check with them on their life status. (Are they in good health, family doing well, everything ok?) Also this allows us to inform them on what and how the Lodge is doing. – Are they receiving the Trestleboard? If so, would they rather “Go Green” and receive it by e-mail?

If you live out of the area, why not plan on attending a Masonic meeting at a Lodge local to your area? Remember, it is always good to travel so call and meet Brethren in your local area. Please plan on attending the call to Lodge, and remember why you became a Mason, and just how much you are missed.

(If you attend another Lodge, please notify us, so the Grand Master has a report of how is program worked)

The month of February has been our Sweetheart Month, so we have set up a tea in their honor. Please join our officers and members to celebrate our outstanding widows, wives, and sweethearts this month. Tea starts at 7:00 followed by a lite refreshment.

Remember our mission of this Lodge, “to unite and strengthen our bonds of Masonic beliefs”. Let every member, his family and our Masonic Youth Orders know that they are part of “Our Family” and together we stand strong.

Phill E. Mossey
Master 2010

"WHERE THE FAST LANE ENDS" Dec. 2009 Trestleboard

by William R. Fischer

Members come to Masonry for many reasons. Because of a relative, because of a friend, because of fellowship, because of curiosity, or maybe because they think they will get ahead. The reason we join is irrelevant.

After joining, we found men who treated us with brotherly love. This, in turn relieved the stress of the day. It also gave us a feeling of self worth and helped us see the true meaning of Freemasonry.

The fast movement of everyday life, causes a lot of changes in our life style. We move from one situation to another at such a speed, that most of the time, we seldom see the conclusion of one problem before another comes. Except if it doesn't turn out right, then we hear every detail of what went wrong. That is where Masonry comes in.

We come to lodge to meet old and new friends that demand nothing from us. Thus we demand nothing from our Brethren. We teach and are taught a more even way to live and cope with problems. We learn that, all that matters is within ourselves. We learn, through watching others, that a better way to do anything is through love, understanding and trust.

As we speed on and on through this ever changing world, we come to lodge for a little bit of peace and understanding, we come to slowdown, we come because this is:

Where The Fast Land Ends.

"TRAVELING MAN IN MASONRY" Dec. 2009 Trestleboard

by Brother Jeff Godwin

In the ancient world of Operative Masonry the masons were often required to move from job to job much as in our modern time. It was further explained that ancient master masons, just as 1st class masons of today of today, were more likely to travel great distances than those of lesser ranks (FC & EA). Due to their experience (and today, usually a membership in the labor union representing the craft) they could move freely from job to job. Those doing so were normally members of a Masonic guild, whose members would, if known, vouch for the qualifications of (or recommend) another 'traveling' mason.

In speculative masonry we as Master Masons may freely move from Lodge to Lodge (either visiting or moving membership) and upon proper avouchment or by testing be found worthy to attend another Master Mason Lodge. This is much the same as moving from one job to another or from one ancient Masonic guild to another.

Also, a Master Mason is a traveler from west to east, as east is the where the sun comes up, hence the source of light. This is why the master sits in the East. Because it is the source of light. Thus being a traveling man represents our journey from darkness to Masonic light (enlightment). We "traveled" symbolically when we were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Remember the words, "It will be necessary for you to travel"? and the condition of the road we would have to travel?

In Masonry we are told to seek the light. Light in Masonry is knowledge and from that knowledge comes information and understanding

"BEHAVIOR" Dec. 2009 Trestleboard


by William "Ray" Fischer

Masonic behavior is a subject, if taken into the Lodge for debate, could take up a lot of time. Behavior changes with attitude and the ever shifting social structure.

In the old charges behavior was divided into six sections:

  • Behavior in Lodge.
  • Behavior after Lodge with members who did not attend.
  • Behavior when brethren meet outside the Lodge.
  • Behavior in the presence of non-members.
  • Behavior at home and in your neighborhood.
  • Behavior toward a strange brother.

Behavior is generally affected by two means:

  • By those around you.
  • By age.

Normally, we are respectful of the people around us, more now than when we were younger. We also have much more tolerance, mainly because of those who tolerated and respected us.

Our behavior is a reflection of who we are and as a Mason this image either improves or taints our institution. To be a considerate member of the Lodge and our brethren is easy. To be a person of integrity to strange brothers, non-members, and even those who would seek to discredit the fraternity, is the most important act of brotherly love one could do for his Lodge and its members.

A Lodge is only as good as its worse member, therefore strive to be a better person.

Dec. 2009, Trestleboard, Article


"I don't believe in a Christmas celebration by the lodge. I don't think we ought to have one, or be asked to contribute to one or in any way engage in Christmas festivities."

"The Junior Mason spoke emphatically and with marked disapproval of the little ante-room group nearby, making happy plans for Yule-tide.

"That's very interesting," commented the Old Past Master. I like to hear points of view unfamiliar to me. Would you mind telling me why?"

"Of course not. It's very simple. Masonry is not Christian. King Solomon, of course, wasn't a Christian, nor were either of the Hiram's. Masonry admits to her ranks any good man of faith; Christian, Jewish, Mohammedan, Buddhist... it makes no difference, so he has a Faith. Then, as a lodge, we celebrate a holiday belonging to one faith. Now I personally am a Christian, and of course I celebrate Christmas. But my brother across the way is a Jew, who does not recognize Christianity. To ask him to spend his proportion of lodge funds in celebrating the birth of a Leader in Whom he does not believe would be exactly like asking me to celebrate, with my proportion of lodge money, the birth of Confucius. Of course, I have only one vote and the majority rules, but when it comes to personal contributions to a Masonic Christmas celebration, my hands will never come out of my pockets."

He shoved them deeper in as he spoke to emphasize his intention not to spend.

"Hum!" answered the Old Past Master. "So you think your Jewish brother across the way doesn't recognize Christianity? Don't you mean he doesn't recognize Christ as the Son of God? Wait a minute... Oh, Brother Samuels." The Old Past Master called across the ante-room. "Here a minute, will you?"

The Jewish brother rose and came forward.

"I just wanted to ask you if you are in favor or against the lodge Christmas celebration?" asked the Old Past Master.

"Me? I am in favor of it, of course, both for the lodge appropriation and the individual contribution."

"Thank you," nodded the Old Past Master. Then as the Jewish brother went back to his seat, he turned to the Junior Mason.

"You see, my son, our Jewish friend is not narrow. He does not believe in Christ as the Redeemer, but he recognizes that he lives in a country largely Christian, and belongs to a lodge largely Christian. To him the Christmas celebration is not one of His birthday, but of the spirit of joyousness and love which we mean when we sing, at Christmas time 'Peace on earth, good will towards men!' If you argue that 'peace' is only a Christian word, he might even quote to you the words of One who said 'I bring you not Peace, but a Sword.'

"Now let me explain something to you. The Jew has just as much right to refuse to recognize Christ as the Son of God, as you have to refuse to consider Mohammed the Prophet the followers of Allah say he is. But as an educated man, you must know that Mohammed was a good man, a devout leader, a wise teacher. As an educated man, you admit that the religion founded by Buddha has much in it that is good, and you admit that Confucius was a wise and just leader. Were you in the land where the birthdays of any of these were celebrated, would you refuse your part in the people's joy in their Leader, simply because you followed another? I trust not. Well, neither do our Jewish brethren or our Mohammedan brethren, desire to be left out of our celebration. They may not believe in the Divinity of Him we, as Christians, follow, but if they are good men and good Masons... they are perfectly willing to admit that the religion we follow is as good for us as theirs is for them, and to join with us in celebrating the day which is to us the glad day of all the year.

"Believe me, boy, Christmas doesn't mean Christ's birthday to many a man who calls himself Christian. It is not because of joy the He was born that many a good man celebrates Christmas. It is because his neighbor celebrates it, because it is a time of joy for little ones, because it is a day when he can express his thanks to his God that he is allowed to have a wife and family and children and friends and a lodge, because of that very 'peace on earth' spirit which is no more the property of the Gentile than the Jew, the Chinese or the Mohammedan.

"It is such a spirit that Masons join, all, in celebrating Christmas. It is on the Masonic side of the tree we dance, not the Christian side. When this lodge erects its Christmas tree in the basement and throws it open to the little ones of the poor of this town, you will find children of all kinds here; black, white, yellow, and brown, Jew and Gentile, Christian and Mohammedan. And you will find a Jew at the door, and among the biggest subscriptions will be those from some Jewish brethren, and there is a Jew who rents cars for a living who will supply us a dozen free to take baskets to those who cannot come. And when the Jewish Orphan Asylum has its fair, in the Spring, you will find many a Christian Mason attending to spend his money and help along the cause dear to his Jewish brethren, never remembering that they are of a different faith. That, my son, is Masonry."

"For Charity is neither Christian nor Jewish, nor Chinese nor Buddhistic. And celebrations which create joy in little hearts and feed the hungry and make the poor think that Masons do not forget the lessons in lodge, are not Christian alone, though they be held at Christmas, and are not for Christians alone, though the celebration be in His honor. Recall the ritual: 'By the exercise of brotherly love we are taught to regard the whole human species as one family, the high and low, the rich and poor, who, as created by one Almighty Parent, and inhabitants of the same planet, are to aid, support and protect each other'.

"It is with this thought that we, as Masons, celebrate Christmas, to bring joy to our brethren and their little ones, and truly observe the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God, whether we be Jew or Gentile, Mohammedan or Buddhist." The Old Past Master ceased and stood musing, his old eyes looking back along a long line of lodge Christmas trees about which eager little faces danced. Then he turned to the Junior Mason.

"Well," he said smiling, "Do you understand?"

"I thank you for my Christmas present," came the answer. "Please tell me to which brother I should make my Christmas contribution?"

Dec. 2009, Trestleboard, Secretary

This being my first Trestleboard article in years, I Would likes to thank the Lodge for electing me to serve as Secretary for 2010. I would also like to acknowledge the efforts and time of Worshipful Lee Strong. He has played a major role in strengthening our Lodge and we are deeply in debt to him. I will do my best to continue our long tradition of being an outstanding Lodge as I seek to serve our new Worshipful Master, the Lodge and assist the officers and brethren. I am looking forward to 2010.

On a more practical note the dues notices have been sent out for the year 2010. I urge you to send your check in before December 31, 2009. If for any reason you or any Lodge Brother you happen to know is struggling financially during this recession, please let our Master or me know so that it can be handled. I guarantee such inquiries are kept in the strictest confidence. Your Lodge would prefer to remit the dues for a needy brother rather than sending notice after notice. It not only keeps us from annoying or making you feel guilty it saves considerable money because we won’t incur the postage or have to pay The Grand Lodge the per capita tax on your membership.

Our new Master and Wardens are working hard to plan an exciting year for you to take part in. I expect that we will have some changes in our Lodge social activities to encourage the entire family to participate. If you haven’t been here in a while attend the next Stated Meeting, or a degree. They are also looking into ways that we can make our money go further in operating the Lodge. This year’s Grand Master’s Theme is ”Return Home”. Return home to your Greenleaf Garden’s Lodge.

Jerry Garfield Laiblin, P.M.


Dec. 2009, Trestleboard, Worshipful Master


Thank you for the confidence you have put in me to be elected Master of our Lodge for the next Masonic year. I am truly grateful. The Installation will be on Friday, December 4th, at 7:00pm. We have an excellent staff of officers that will lead this Lodge for the next several years to come. The Installation should be a little different this year, as I have several surprises planned. Please plan on attending.

I will be asking several of our brethren to step up and serve on a committee this year. If at all possible, please become involved.

The Masonic Calendar has been planned, and needs your input. The new officers for the 2010 year have been working hard conferring degrees, and working to keep the Ritual conferral to our extreme standards.

And as a reminder, let us remember to keep our brethren in our prayers that are in need of sickness or relief. Please call, or just drop them a quick note to see how they are doing. Part of Masonry is communication, and let us not forget the principal beliefs of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth! Check with our Senior Warden Elect to notify him if you know any brother, or their family who is sick, or needs relief.

I would like to wish all you a happy and safe holiday season.


Phill E. Mossey

Senior Warden

Nov 2009, Trestleboard, Article


From the Masonic Service Center of Louisiana

A Mason is sometimes asked by a friend, a neighbor, or a business associate, "What do the Masons do?" The question may be worded more generally, "What are the Masons?"

In either case, the Brother is challenged by the realization that there is no simple answer which he can rattle off "from the top of his head," because the questioner is really asking him for a comprehensive explanation about what organized Freemasonry is, what its principles and purposes are, what programs it is engaged in, how it carries them out, and what satisfactions the individual Mason derives from his Masonic membership.

Some of these considerations arouse the fraternal doubt that "you can't tell that," or "that's secret," so that the Brother's reply is marked by hesitation or reluctance to explain.

Puzzled by the difficulty of knowing what facets of the vast subject of Freemasonry the questioner is really inquiring about, the Mason "just doesn't know where to begin, " and too often may avoid a simple statement of facts. He isn't sure of what to say.

Or, knowing that his questioner is a "practical man of affairs" who measures outcomes quantitatively, in materialistic terms, he realizes that Freemasonry's reputation cannot be explained by charts, statistics, or financial statements, because the Fraternity's real worth can be expressed only in spiritual terms, and that is rather difficult to explain to the uninitiated. Masonic terminology, the most comfortable words with which to reply, seems inadequate or out of place. Masonic "secrecy" gets in the way.

Embarrassment is probably the commonest cause of a Brother's difficulty in replying to the question. He is embarrassed because he realizes that he doesn't really know enough about the Fraternity to give a good simple reply. He knows that there is much more Masonic activity going on in

other lodges all over the country and throughout the world, but he has never taken the time to experience some of it or to read about it with real interest. He hasn't given much thought to the subject. He never expected to be asked such a question by a non-Mason outside the lodge. Even though he has experienced Masonry, he has never tried to express in words just what Freemasonry means to himself.

A well-informed Brother, therefore, will prepare himself for the possibility of being asked such a question. Even though no one ever asks the question, he will have the confidence of knowing what Freemasonry means, especially to himself.

First of all, he will determine to give a Masonic answer, one which asserts the real nature of the Fraternity as a spiritual force, as "a way of life" which seeks to improve men morally and spiritually, by associating with other idealistic men who want to improve the quality of life around them by means of a brotherhood which emphasizes the Fatherhood of God.

In an age which derides ideals, absolutes, the concepts of law and order, and advocates relativism instead of standards of excellence, which angrily demands rights instead of responsibility, and which preaches a nihilistic doctrine of individualism (doing your own thing), Masons find it difficult to explain the Fraternity's idealism and its charitable and educational purposes. But it must be done. A Mason must give a Masonic answer to the question, "What are the Masons."

There are really so few "secrets" which a Mason is required to keep, and so much that he should be proud to proclaim to others, that his principal concern in answering questions is probably the doubt that he can give an adequate Masonic reply.

The esoteric parts of the ritual work, the grips and passwords of the three degrees, these are really the only "secrets" which should be kept inviolate. Because it is impossible to communicate to the uninitiated the joys and satisfactions of brotherhood experienced in "the labors of the lodge," this too becomes a secret because it is inexpressible.

But there is so much that can be told about Freemasonry, about the particular lodge, about the individual Mason, that the real problem in answering the question, "What do the Masons do?" is to say only enough to satisfy the questioner without boring or distracting him.

He can point out that Freemasonry is an educational organization. By means of the ritualistic ceremonies and other educational programs, Masons learn and teach the truths of morality, justice, patriotism, and the necessity of brotherly love to achieve those universal ideals. Reverence for the Great Architect is inculcated because men are brothers only if they are related to God as the, sons of the Creator Father.

He can explain that Masonic meetings, while resembling the meetings of any organized society, have a distinctly Masonic character.. They are opened and closed with prayer. They are patriotic because the nation's flag is kept in an honored place in the lodge and properly saluted with the pledge of allegiance. They are opened and closed with Masonic ceremonies to remind the members of the principal purposes of the Fraternity, which are to develop brotherly love and respect for truth, not the truths of scientific facts or history, but the truths which guide a man to live happily and harmoniously with his fellow man.

For that reason Masonic meetings do not permit the introduction of discussions about sectarian religious differences or partisan political opinions. A Masonic lodge, if it is working seriously, teaches its members the principles involved in attaining a universal Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God.

A Mason is also free to explain that Freemasonry is a charitable organization, which acts to relieve the distress of local individuals who are victims of calamity, and that it has created programs and institutions to care for its needy senior citizens, or to provide scholarship aid for worthy and needy young people in college. Masonic Homes and Hospitals, Grand' Lodge Scholarship Programs, Charity Funds, and the Hospital Visitation Program of the Masonic Service Association are examples of such achievements.

Freemasonry is also, but not primarily, a social organization, which arranges special meetings to which are invited wives, children, neighbors and friends for the purposes of entertainment and sociability. Masons seek the pleasure of associating with other members of the community, hoping thereby to reveal the serious and idealistic nature of the Fraternity's objectives.

There is so much that a Mason can tell about his beloved Fraternity. But the way in which he tells it is more important than what he tells. When a Mason is conscious and proud of the moral and spiritual achievements he has made through Masonry, when he has been inspired to display the beauties of friendship, morality, and brotherly love, when he realizes that his own personal life is the most important evidence he can give to show what a Mason is, he usually finds it very easy to talk about the Fraternity to his non-Masonic friends. When he knows that his lodge is a spiritual force, when it is learning and teaching its members the universal ideals of the Craft, when it is actively promoting charitable programs and pursuing truth, he will tell what Freemasonry is with conviction and enthusiasm. But he must know what he is talking about. This essay suggests only in general terms what he can talk about. He should be prepared to fill in the details. When he is convinced that he can supply those details, he is ready to answer the questions, "What do the Masons do?" and "What are the Masons?

When he is asked the question he must then decide on how much or how little to say. A brief but adequate reply is advised, for if the questioner is not satisfied, he will undoubtedly ask for further information. The following answer is only a suggestion.

"Masons are men who voluntarily asked to join a lodge. They were accepted because they were good men who believe in God and hold high ethical and moral ideals. They go to meetings which they call the lodge, in order to learn and to teach what 'friendship, morality, and truth really involve, and to practice on a small scale the reality of brotherhood. They also have meetings open to their wives, children, and friends where they promote an understanding of the serious nature of the Fraternity by entertainment and sociability. Practical programs for charity and relief are planned and executed. The special kinship they feel for each other as a brotherhood is their deepest satisfaction."

Nov 2009, Trestleboard, Secretary


This will be my last message as secretary of the Lodge, but I don’t want to think of it in any negative way. The Lodge will be in good hands as far as the officers and members of the Temple Board are concerned. We are getting new members. As I write this we have three persons waiting to get their First Degrees and other applicants to be voted on. In spite of the problems with the economy the Lodge is doing well financially under the watchful eyes of Worshipful Jerry Laiblin, Bill Johnson and Temple Board members.

Pat and I are going to miss the City of Whittier very much. Pat was born and raised in Whittier and I moved here in 1942. I have certainly have had an enjoyable and fulfilling experience at Greenleaf Gardens Lodge as has Pat with her volunteering at Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital. However we are very much looking forward to our move to Arizona. We have found a home that meets and exceeds all of our expectations and we are grateful to have family living nearby. There are also numerous volunteer and other activities to keep us busy. We feel blessed to have made so many friends and to have so many fond memories much to look back on. We are looking forward to our new friends and future memories.

One last item of business as secretary, effective October 4th Worshipful Merritt E. Read has assumed the duties as the Inspector of the new 737th Masonic District. We were formerly in the 741st Masonic District which was comprised of Golden Trowel Norwalk Lodge 273, Montebello Whittier Lodge 323 and Greenleaf Gardens Lodge 670. The new district will include Cornerstone Lodge 659 in La Habra but will no longer include Golden Trowel Norwalk Lodge.

Lee Strong, Secretary PM

Nov 2009, Trestleboard, Junior Warden


Let me begin by thanking you for allowing me the opportunity to act as one of your representatives at this year’s Annual Grand Lodge Communication. It was an absolute honor to be entrusted with this task, and one which I do not take lightly. As we voted on the many pieces of legislation presented to us this year, it became clearer than ever to me that Freemasonry and Democracy absolutely go hand in hand. This being my first visit to our beautiful Grand Lodge, I must say that the experience was magnificent and will not be soon forgotten.

As some of you already know, and all of you are now being informed, November is the month when we vote to elect the officers who we believe will best represent our lodge in the coming Masonic year. I humbly request your presence as I extend this personal invitation to you. Please come out and participate in our Masonic democratic process. If transportation is a challenge, then call the lodge and suitable arrangements will be made to assist you. If it is time that is your biggest hurdle, then I challenge you to manage your priorities in such a way that you can attend lodge on this important evening.

You must know brethren, that we miss you when you are not with us, and although we have not seen many of you in a long time, you are now and will always remain our cherished brothers. I look forward to seeing you at our stated meeting on November 4th.

Fraternally yours,

Anthony Casalicchio, Junior Warden

November 2009, Trestleboard, Senior Warden


The annual communication of Grand Lodge is now history for this year, with many exciting changes, and a new line of officers. Most Worshipful Kenneth Nagel has been installed and is working hard to make the Masonic Fraternity in California the best in the world.

This year our Lodge had the honor to have seven of our brethren at the annual communication. This gave them a chance to meet other Lodges, and learn just what the business side of our fraternity is.

We also have been re-districted, and have a new Lodge as well as a new Inspector. Cornerstone Lodge # 659 – La Habra has now joined our district, but I am sorry to report that Golden Trowel Norwalk has moved to a new district. Please plan to meet Worshipful Merritt Read (our new inspector) and give him a warm welcome.

November is the month for elections. We have a great line of officers who are ready to step up and continue the excellent ritual this lodge expects. Please plan to attend this important meeting.

The annual Installation of officers has been scheduled for December 4th 2009 at 07:00pm. A light buffet following has been planned. Please invite friends and family (as well as potential members) to witness this special event.

We also have several degrees still in progress through the end of the year.


Phill E. Mossey, Senior Warden

Nov 2009, Trestleboard, Worshipful Master


This month the Stated Meeting will be on November 4th at 7:30 p.m. with the dinner at 6:30 p.m. Try to make it out to dinner this month. We all value the time for fellowship before the transaction of lodge business.

At the Stated Meeting this month we will hold the Annual Election of Officers for the 2010 Masonic year. Come out and support the officers. Cast your ballot in lodge after casting your ballot in the national election the day before on November 3th.

November is a busy month as the officer’s button up their qualifications for next year and we confer degrees upon advancing candidates. November 11th will be a 3nd degree and November 18th we will hosting the District Officers Association at 7:00 pm.. The lodge will be dark on Nov. 25th.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving with friends and family.


Jose Mercado,

Worshipful Master

Friday, February 5, 2010

Oct 2009, Trestleboard, Article

By: Dr. Rex R. Hutchens
Editor's Note: On October 17 this article was given by Dr Hutchens as an address to the 1989 Biennial Session of The Supreme CounciL 33ΓΈ Southern Jurisdiction, US.A., meeting in Washington, D.C
Like a few equally illustrious predecessors, such as Leonardo Da Vinci or Francis Bacon, Grand Commander Albert Pike led not a single life, but many. He was an explorer, so he knew privation; a journalist, so he knew the excesses of the press; a lawyer, so he knew the constant threat of despotism that the law entails; a teacher, so he knew the importance of education; a general, so he knew the horrors of war; a poet, so he knew the soul of man.

His contributions to so many fields vividly demonstrate the productivity possible from the wise use of time. If he knew the exaltation of success, he also knew the meaning of misfortune. The civil war estranged him from his northern roots, so he knew despair; he was a father who outlived eight of his ten children, so he knew sorrow; he once possessed great wealth but died a virtual ward of the Scottish Rite. Yet he was a Mason, so he also knew the unrivaled power of the human will.

His life exemplified the teachings of the Craft, and all of us might envy his steady dedication to those principles. Few, if any, of us have lived so completely. He came to the Craft relatively late in life, at the age of forty, so Freemasonry can take little credit for his character. What it did provide, however, was an outlet for his energy and a vehicle for his creativity.

Though a man of many talents, no aspect of his life received such enduring concentration as his work for the Scottish Rite. He found it in ruins and left it a stately temple to the dignity and rights of man.

Above all else our illustrious Brother Pike taught us the meaning of leadership. No fairweather friend of the Craft, he assumed the mantle at its lowest ebb: its membership nil, its ritual in chaos, it charities nonexistent.

Albert Pike assumed the intellectual leadership of the Scottish Rite even before he was elected as Sovereign Grand Commander. To him was entrusted the rewriting of the Rituals of the Degrees which either never existed in any coherent form or which had suffered degradation at the hands of the unlearned.

Albert Pike had a subtle motive in his rewriting of the Rituals, seeking to do more than simply improve the presentations of the lessons of the Degrees. He wished to establish the Scottish Rite as an agent for the intellectual development of the Craft. This goal was furthered by the preparation of a foundational literature for the Rite embodied in the new Ritual and a series of lectures entitled Readings, Legendas, Liturgies and Morals and Dogma. These were further supplemented by The Book of Words and the Ist and 2nd Lectures on Masonic Symbolism.

By the exercise of the proper tenor of leadership, he built upon the strength of Scottish Rite teachings, expunged the Ritual of its adversely political and sectarian character and set the Rite upon a course of growth and development that clearly had as its intent to make the Southern Jurisdiction the single most influential body of Freemasonry in the world.

He sought this goal by a steady application of strength and determination, mitigated by patience and self-control. He never forgot that ours is a volunteer organization, utterly dependent upon the good will and commitment of the membership who give to it time which deprives their employment, family, church and community of a portion of their talents. But he as well understood how that commitment of time and talent bore fruit in the character of the man, making him a better employee or employer, a better father or husband, a better churchman or citizen.

Brother Pike set forth certain precepts to guide the Mason in the conduct of his life. These may be found in Morals and Dogma in the Entered Apprentice Lecture as the ten commandments of Masonry and in the Prince of Mercy Lecture as the nine great truths of Masonry. But as Martin Luther noted, ''Precepts show us what we ought to do, but do not impart to us the power to do it.'' Pike's unique contribution was to impart to us also that power--the power of just government, the power of collective action, the power of truth.

This power is manifested in our actions. He reminded us that reward accorded to merit is a debt; without merit, it is an alms or a theft. From him we learned to make change without creating destruction; to practice charity without fostering dependence; to lead without tyranny; to counsel without criticism.

It is difficult to reflect upon the man without wondering what he would think of our present edifice, the foundation of which he laid. It is certain that he would find no fault with the extensive system of charities that has evolved over the years. He probably would have tolerated the changes in emphasis responsible for the rapid growth of the Scottish Rite in this century. After all, great charities require a broad membership base to support them. He did not hold the rules he devised for the government of the Rite to be inviolate; he changed them often himself.

Equally evident would have been his deep disappointment in the numerous versions of the Ritual in use within the Rite today.

In contravention of the edicts of The Supreme Council, our Ritual has been continually reworked and elaborated or simplified by sincere, hardworking, dedicated Brethren who all too often have had only the vaguest notion of the intent of the original Ritual. The result has been the corruption of Scottish Rite teachings. The sublime lessons portrayed in our original Ritual have become so simplified or, more accurately, diluted, that the experience of receiving the Degrees has become, for many, a numbing rather than an uplifting experience.

Brother Pike knew that this eventuality was possible, even inevitable, if the sanctity of the Ritual was not preserved from additions by the unlearned. Thus, the authority for the changes in the Ritual was confined to The Supreme Council itself through its Committee on Ritual and Ceremonial Forms, instead of the dozens of Orients, hundreds of Valleys or the now 600,000 plus members of the Rite in his Jurisdiction.

The lack of enforcement of his formally instituted controls over the Ritual of the Rite has resulted in just the changes Brother Pike feared and just the consequences he anticipated.

He would also have been disappointed in the waning of his goal that the Scottish Rite become the agent for the intellectual leadership of the Craft. It is in the area of Masonic research that this trend is clearly seen. There is an almost total absence of Scottish Rite research to be found in the literature. Those few research papers and books which are found usually treat of minor historical matters rather than any analysis of the symbols and teachings of the Scottish Rite. Until this shortcoming is corrected, we shall never attain that influence in the intellectual life of Freemasonry that he sought.

The spirit of Brother Pike bids us to protect from corruption those lessons from ancient history which he gave to us and to reassert his goal of contributing to the intellectual leadership of the Craft. His wise counsel pervades the literature of the Scottish Rite, even in those jurisdictions where his Rituals are not used.

It is often said today that no one reads Pike's writings anymore. This is, of course, an exaggeration. But it is true that his intellectual influence is less today than it has been in the past. That this is unfortunate stems, not from the need to read what Pike wrote, but to learn what he taught.

It is certain that the Scottish Rite possesses the talent to preserve those lessons of the past and once again contribute to the intellectual leadership of the craft, always keeping in mind the example of Brother Pike. Quoting from Pope's Essay on Man, we may say of him that he was:
  • Slave of no sect, who takes no private road
  • But looks through Nature up to Nature's God
  • Pursues that chain which links the immense design
  • Joins heaven and earth, and mortal and divine
  • Sees, that no being any bliss can know
  • But touches some above, and some below
  • Learns from this union of the rising whole
  • The first, last purpose of the human soul
  • And knows where faith, law, morals, all began
  • All end, in Love of God, and Love of Man
Pike was a great man because he lived greatly. Although few will ever attain such stature in history and probably none of us will ever decide to begin learning Sanskrit at the age of sixty-five, Albert Pike is a worthy model. For us, he is a reminder that perseverance in the face of adversity and hope in the future are the most excellent qualities we can possess.

Oct 2009, Trestleboard, Secretary


When you receive this edition of the Trestle Board we can look back and acknowledge that summer is over, the Santa Maria Barbecue has come and gone, the 160th Annual Communication of Grand Lodge has been concluded and the officers are once again wearing tuxedos at all degree meetings. During this period the officers have also qualified, or are ready to qualify in their advance stations for both sections of all three degrees and the Stated Meeting. The annual election of officers will take place at the November 4th Stated Meeting and the Installation of Officers is scheduled for Friday December 4th.

We have also learned that our Inspector, Worshipful Roy R. Pool is leaving our district to assume the Inspectoral duties in another district. One of his final acts was to appoint Worshipful Edgar Abi-Khalil as officers coach of Greenleaf Gardens Lodge. He replaces Worshipful Jerry Laiblin who will be assuming other duties. Edgard served as Worshipful Master in 1997 and 2000. He also served two years as Senior Warden and Lodge Treasurer. He has remained active in the Lodge and has always been an accomplished ritualist.

Lee Strong, Secretary PM

Oct 2009, Trestleboard, Senior Warden

A small look at Masonic history:

"The Forget-Me-Not"
In Early 1934, soon after Hitler's rise to power, it became evident that Freemasonry was in danger. In that same year, the "Grand Lodge of the Sun" realizing the grave dangers involved, adopted the little blue Forget-Me-Not flower as a substitute for the traditional square and compasses. It was felt the flower would provide brethren with an outward means of identification while lessening the risk of possible recognition in public by the Nazis, who were engaged in wholesale confiscation of all Masonic Lodge properties. Freemasonry went undercover, and this delicate flower assumed its role as a symbol of Masonry surviving throughout the reign of darkness.

During the ensuing decade of Nazi power a little blue Forget-Me-Not flower worn in a Brother's lapel served as one method whereby brethren could identify each other in public, and in cities and concentration camps throughout Europe. The Forget-Me-Not distinguished the lapels of countless brethren who staunchly refused to allow the symbolic Light of Masonry to be completely extinguished.

When the 'Grand Lodge of the Sun' was reopened in Bayreuth in 1947, by Past Grand Master Beyer, a little pin in the shape of a Forget-Me-Not was officially adopted as the emblem of that first annual convention of the brethren who had survived the bitter years of semi-darkness to rekindle the Masonic Light.

At the first Annual Convent of the new United Grand Lodge of Germany AF&AM (VGLvD), in 1948, the pin was adopted as an official Masonic emblem in honor of the thousands of valiant Brethren who carried on their masonic work under adverse conditions. The following year, each delegate to the Conference of Grand Masters in Washington, D.C., received one from Dr. Theodor Vogel, Grand Master of the VGLvD.

Thus did a simple flower blossom forth into a symbol of the fraternity, and become perhaps the most widely worn emblem among Freemasons in Germany; a pin presented ceremoniously to newly-made Masons in most of the Lodges of the American-Canadian Grand Lodge, AF&AM within the United Grand Lodges of Germany. In the years since adoption, its significance world-wide has been attested to by the tens of thousands of brethren who now display it with meaningful pride.

Masonic history has survived many hard times, but still flourishes.

Taken from a presentation card issued by the American Canadian Grand Lodge, AF&AM within the United Grand Lodges of Germany. Submitted By Wade A. Huffman (Light of the Three Stars Lodge #936 AF&AM, Ansbach Germany and Lancaster Lodge #57 F&AM, Lancaster Ohio).

Phill E. Mossey
Senior Warden

Oct 2009, Trestleboard, Worshipful Master


October has arrived, and this happens to be my favorite time of the year! ?I?ll have my pumpkin pie with a cup of pumpkin spice flavored coffee, please?. Only a few weeks until Halloween! Well, now that you know how excited I am about the month of October I would like to add that on top of all this fun stuff, this is the time of the year when the leadership of lodge attend the annual Masonic communications at The Grand Lodge of California which is located in the city of San Francisco. I went up there for he first time last year as your Senior Warden and I must say it was a great time! It?s amazing how much more meaningful our Masonic relationships become when we actually travel as brothers and take on the small challenges of getting out there safe and ready to represent Greenleaf Gardens Lodge #670!!!

I am so very proud and appreciative of all of our officers. These guys have chosen to bond together and make our ritual the best around. When you look around the lodge room you will see young officers that have committed themselves to Masonic excellence and virtue in every way! And also what would our lodge be without the wisdom and zeal of our very own most excellent Past Masters? With all of this in mind, I am also truly grateful to have such a distinguished crowd Of Past Master Masons to help guide me, during my first term as Master of this lodge.

I have been on a personal path of discovery as of late and have found that life is indeed beautiful. Time heals wounds, although we must live with the scars, but let those scars only serve as reminders to us of where we have been and where we are headed according to what we have earned and learned while traveling through this vale of tears and unfounded fears.

Jose Mercado, Worshipful Master

Sept 2009, Trestleboard, "CREATING INTEREST"

We are grateful to R.W. Brother Edward L. Bennett, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Washington, for permission to publish this essay as a Short Talk Bulletin. He presented it originally at the Conference of Grand Secretaries of North America in Washington, D. C., in February, 1970. To create interest is like building a structure; first, you must lay a good foundation. Consequently, to create interest in Masonic affairs, the foundation should be the newly-raised Master Mason.

Well-informed Masons usually become interested Masons. Therefore, instruction of our new members should include teaching all these things: that the object of our Fraternity is to elevate and uphold standards of morality, to inculcate virtue, to encourage loyalty, to foster patriotism, to protect liberty, and to promulgate the sublime doctrine of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. Our members should know that we do not devise ways and means of acquiring political power, or of obtruding political ideas upon their minds. That we do not challenge or contest, affirm or deny the religious creeds of our fellow man, nor do we solicit the favor, influence the prejudices, or court the admiration of our fellow man.

They should be taught that Masonry seeks to elevate the meek and lowly and to reduce the powerful and influential to one common plane, and upon that level of equality it teaches the prince and the peasant that the only rivalry worthy of approbation is that of who best can work and best agree.

They should know with the force of a conviction that Masonry ignores and repudiates the trappings end distinctions which men have invented to obtain and to maintain ascendancy over their fellow man, and insists on the sublime truth that all men are brethren, so that each member may kneel at her altar, assume her vows, and discharge the obligations imposed, side by side with the man of influence, the man of letters, and the man of wealth. Freemasonry teaches that it is not a man's belief, but his actions that she contemplates. That it does not weave a network of intricate doctrines about him, to confuse and hamper his mind, but leaves him free to choose his religion, his politics and his course of social life. That Masonry simply asks that he be a man, a whole man, and nothing but a man.

The newly-made Mason should be taught that Masonry stands outside, dissociated from politics, - from affiliation with any religious denomination and domination by any religion, and is free from social distinctions. That Masonry has not emblazoned her triumphs upon the pages of history, though many Masons have made history, because she fosters no revolutions, she attacks no governments, she enters no conspiracies, she sheds no blood. Her mission is one of peace; her motto, "Fraternity." The field of her labor is moral, not physical. It is the character and conduct of her votaries that she seeks to improve. Her members must know that Masonry has always been a harbinger of peace, the advocating of justice, and the exponent of truth. It does not point to battle flags and fields of carnage as an incentive to loyalty in her members.

Masonry must make clear to her members that she seeks to make us better individuals and to alleviate the sorrows of others. It teaches universal love, which enriches both recipient and donor. It whispers the word of friendly admonition in the ear of the erring, and in silence and secrecy drops its charities in the hand of poverty with a touch so delicate that it relieves without humiliation. It binds its votaries in an ever increasing bond of sacred union. Strand after strand is added until the cable is impossible to break. That cable, made of the very fibers of our hearts and intertwined with our most sacred affections, is attached to the derrick of the spiritual temple, that building not made with hands.

A newly-made Mason should be told that the un-changeableness of Masonry is a wonder among its best friends, but the reason is very simple. She has laid hold upon the great fundamental truths that are commensurate with human existence, truth that will be applicable as far and as long as the human race exists: "Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth." The day has never been, and never will be, when brotherly love will not be a necessity and a virtue among men. The day has never been, and, in the present order of things, will never be, when relief will not be a necessity and a virtue. The declaration, "The poor you have always with you," is as true today as it was two thousand years ago. To succor and relieve the distressed, to rescue the perishing, to warn of danger, to aid in counsel, to feed the hungry and clothe the naked are just as much the imperative duty of the Mason today as when the first great light shone down upon her sacred attar. And truth, which has long been buried beneath a mass of human error and superstition, is emerging from the

debris of exploded theories and distorted fancies, and is rising like a shining sun upon a dark sky, to illuminate the minds and permeate the hearts, and to dominate the lives of men.
If the mind of the newly-raised Master Mason has been impressed with this foundation of the purposes and aims of Masonry, his interest in Masonic affairs wish ever be uppermost in his daily life and actions. To be impressed he must be taught.

Then he could say that Masonic work does not stop at the conferring of degrees and dispatching the routine business of the lodge. These are but means to an end, necessary preliminaries which equip Masons to work together.
Then he must realize that Masonic work is to assist, encourage and defend the Brethren, protect the oppressed, right the wrongs, raise the fallen, relieve want and distress, enlighten the people, serve well the common weal, and be fruitful in all good works.

He would further say that to be true to my obligation as a Mason, I will participate in lodge work, serve on committees of the lodge, support its programs and those of Grand Lodge, and work in and for my community, state and country. He would, by his actions, inspire other men to believe that Masonry truly makes good men better men.
If the necessity of teaching all these lessons to one new member is also impressed on the members of the lodge, the teacher becomes the pupil and relearns these old truths. As he teaches, he thinks of his obligations; and again the truth is proven, "The more I give, the greater the debt."
A building will stand only as long as its foundation lasts, and our Fraternity rests on its foundation, the newly-raised Master Mason. To create his interest in Masonic activities, we must make sure that he is well-informed about our purposes and genuinely inspired to act according to them.