Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October Trestleboard

Worshipful Master


During the month of October, I will be attending a well earned vacation for the first two weeks, so the Stated Meeting will be under the direction of our Senior Warden brother Anthony Casalicchio in the East. This will be a very important meeting, as a resolution for a change of Lodge dues and cost of Degrees has been read, and will be voted upon at this meeting. Please plan on attending as your voice should be heard.

The annual communication of Grand Lodge in California is now history for this year, with many exciting changes, and a new line of officers. Most Worshipful William J. Bray III has been installed and is working hard to make the Masonic Fraternity in California the best in the world.

This year our Lodge had the honor to have eight of our brethren at the annual communication. This gave them a chance to meet other Lodges, and learn just what the business side of our fraternity is.

Our officers have been working very hard to advance and qualify for their next year’s position. We also have several degrees still in progress through the end of the year.

I want to thank all the Brethren who have been here this year, attended degrees, and worked on committees, and ask everyone else, "Where have you been?" Please plan to attend your Lodge, and make it the best in the world.


Phill E. Mossey

Worshipful Master

Junior Warden


As we all know, fellowship holds a very important role in Masonry. It is the time that we spend together which brings us together. By spending quality time with our fellow brothers and their families we strengthen our bonds and thereby strengthen our Lodge. This year’s social calendar has offered us several opportunities to meet and bond, from activities such as movie nights to a day at the beach. One of the most traditional times for fellowship is during the breaking of bread. Our stated meeting dinners offer us a regular time to enjoy each others company, laugh, gossip, and make friends. This year several of our Brothers have taken time to make this night of fellowship extra special by personally designing the meals and executing the cuisine which has been giving the evenings an extra special touch of "family" closeness. Jerre Morris put his heart into creating a delicious meal for us in September; thank you Jerre.

For our October stated meeting dinner Brothers Gerry Laiblin and Brent Berry will be working hard in the kitchen to prepare a delicious meal for us. Please join us for dinner and take advantage of this perfect opportunity to become close with your Lodge.


David Rubin

Junior Warden




Our Annual Santa Maria Style BBQ had a great turnout. There isn’t enough room on this page to list the Brother’s and their wives or sweethearts who worked to make it a great evening.

The Lodge is sponsoring a Lifeline Screening on Wed, October 13 at our building. It is a community service by our Lodge to decrease the risk of stroke and other vascular diseases. If you live near Whittier or have a neighbor/friend who does, make them aware of the opportunity and save a life.

Have you moved and not changed your phone number or given us your email address?

We have recently received another batch of notices from the Post Office of bad addresses. The Lodge has made a great effort this year to contact every member and widow. Our files still have a large number of bad phone #. We would appreciate your updating of your personal file. If you know of a widow who has passed away please let us know so we can correct the records. The list is never published so please help us out.

Do you know of a brother, widow or spouse who is in ill health or needs relief. Please let our Senior Warden know or call 562- 562-2755. The Lodge wants to help.
I have been asked by several members to describe the process of remitting the dues of a Brother who can not pay his dues. The process is call remission of dues. Essentially the Lodge pays the direct cost of membership and Grand Lodge waives the per capita tax on any Brother who has his dues remitted. The process requires a written request (we will take a phone call) stating the reason. The charity committee reviews the need and makes a recommendation to the Lodge. The Lodge votes to remit the dues. The name of the Brother is never published. Common reasons are: fixed income is too low to pay normal household expenses; the Brother is no longer capable of being aware of unpaid bills, high medical bills or loss of job. We are required to review these individual annually to make sure the reason is still valid. There are benefits to Masonic membership in good standing for both the Brother and his widow... They include entrance to the Masonic Homes, in home care and support from Masonic Outreach services regardless of the place of residence. We have a number of brethren who live out of state who are receiving help where they live. We do not want to loss a Brother because of economics.

Jerry Garfield Laiblin, P.M.
