Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First Annual Lodge Beach Day

Huntington State Beach

WHEN: July 24th, 2010 Time 6am to 10pm
WHERE: Huntington State Beach
WHY: "For a Day of Fellowship"
NOTE: This event is open to everyone! Please invite friends and family and those who may be interested in Freemasonry. BRING what you would like to eat. We will have aq fire going all day for cooking.

I found a cool article that might help you plan. Cooking Around the Campfire

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July Trestleboard, Master


Well, summer has arrived, and we should all feel the hot and restful days of the season. But, work has not been completed. “What, we are still busy with degrees, candidate coaching and tasks to complete?” Yes that is very true! With all the degrees that were conferred during the first part of the year, the candidates must still pass and rise to there next level. And applications are still coming in! (What a wonderful problem) How long has it been since Masonry has heard that? Yes, my brethren, Masonry is again growing.

The officers are advancing to their next stations to qualify, and the officer’s coach is very hard at work! As so are the officers. Our Lodge is very lucky to have among its membership many hard working brothers who believe is the Masonic Fraternity teaching, and values. They have taken the many years of their experience and passed it on to the newer members. (I have had the benefit of this education, and without the many hours these brothers have given to pass on this valuable knowledge, I would not be where I am today) Thank You!!

The Santa Maria BBQ Committee has reminded me that the annual Santa Maria BBQ is rapidly approaching, and we should make plans to attend. This is a fund raiser for the maintenance and upkeep of our property. The date is scheduled for Saturday, September 11th. The cost, which as remained unchanged is still $ 25.00 per person. Children free!! This is a great value, the meal is well worth the price, but the company is beyond value.

Lastly, please remember that the Stated Meetings of July and August are business meetings only and do not have a meal before the meeting. Meeting starts at 7:30pm. Have a safe and great summer!!


Phill E. Mossey

Worshipful Master

July Trestleboard, Secretery


Our Annual Santa Maria Style BBQ is coming up on Saturday, September 11, 2010. Please save the date.

The Greenleaf Masonic Temple Association has recently finished putting in carpet and a dance floor in our main dining room. The room looks great and much more appealing to potential renters. The annual BBQ proceeds helped make this possible The Board has worked diligently to reduce costs of operation and maintain building maintenance of the Lodge’s Main asset, our building. Thanks to Brother, Joe Grubb we have reduced electrical costs by changing out lights. Brother, Charlie Trent has repaired the tile in the main ding room. Work parties led by our Wardens have improved the look of the kitchen and the exterior of the building.

You can help reduce the operating costs of our Lodge by sending in your e-mail address and having the Trestleboard and other announcements and events additions sent to your computer. Just e-mail and we will make the change. Each Trestleboard costs nearly a dollar to mail, so help your dues go a little further and save a few trees at the same time.

There are over 20 members who have not paid their 2010 dues. We will be paying $33 per member in the annual Grand Lodge assessment in early August so it would be a great help for as many people as possible to be paid up. If you are having some financial difficulties the Lodge will consider remitting your dues for 2010. We do not have to pay the assessment on members whose dues are remitted and the names are kept confidential... The action requires a written request. Please either pay or write the Lodge immediately.

Jerry Garfield Laiblin, P.M.


July Trestleboard, Junior Warden

Summer is upon us again. Although we will not be serving dinner at our July and August Stated Meetings, we encourage everyone to support the Lodge by continuing to attend the meetings. The fellowship will be enjoined by all. Speaking of fellowship, on Wednesday June 16th the Lodge hosted another movie night for the Brethren and their families.
We had about 20 people attend and it turned out to be a very enjoyable evening. We have more events in the planning for this summer and into the fall.

Brother Colburn is working diligently to keep our website posted with upcoming activities. Currently we are planning for a fun filled day at the beach. We will be staking out a fire ring at the Huntington Beach State Beach on Saturday July 24th and spending the day with our Brethren, families, and friends. It will be a day full of games, sun, biking, food, music, swimming, and good conversation. Please visit our website: and click on the “Activities” link or go directly to for full information about the beach party. We will be putting together a list of items that people can offer to help with and/or bring along to share. Let’s make this a great summer of fellowship!


David Rubin

Junior Warden



The first lodge in Kansas was Wyandotte Lodge. It net in the home of the Senior Warden, Matthew R. Walker. Mr. Walker, an Indian, acted as Tyler of the lodge. Later Mrs. Walker became the first Grand Matron of the Eastern Star in Kansas.


At the time he was raised in Highland Park Lodge No. 382 in Los Angeles, California, John Aasen was eight and a half feet tall and weighed 536 pounds. Twelve craftsmen were required for certain parts of the ceremony. There were 1500 Masons present to observe the ceremony.
Charles S. Stratton, a midget, was made a famous by P. T. Barnum as "General Tom Thumb". He was first presented to the public in 1842; as the time he was two feet high and weighed 16 pounds. In 1844 he married Lavinia Warren, also a midget. He settled in Bridgeport, Connecticut and was raised in St. John's Lodge No. 3 on October 3, 1862.


In 1899 Leader Scott (a pen name) published her book, The Cathedral builders, the story of a Great masonic Guild. This was followed in 1910 by W. Ravenscroft's The Comacines, their Predecessors and their Successors. The theory advanced is that when the Roman Collegia of Artificers were abolished, a group of workmen retired to an island in Lake Como where they preserved their technical skills and later built the cathedrals of Europe. This theory was followed by Joseph Fort Newton in The Builder and was widely accepted by readers of his popular book.


In 1853 the Reverend F. Peterson wrote on page 101 of his History of
Rhode Island and Newport of the past: "In the spring of 1658, Mordecai Campannall, Moses Packeckoe, Levi and others, in all fifteen families, arrived in Newport from Holland. They brought with them the three first degrees of Masonry, and worked them in the house of Campannall; and continue to do so, they and their successors, to the end of 1742." This statement has been repeated from time to time, although in 1870 the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts looked into the matter and could find no evidence to support the statement.


Extravagant claims are sometimes made in connection with the Masonic membership of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. There were fifty-six signers of the document. There is satisfactory evidence to prove conclusively that eight were Masons. Twenty-four others are sometimes claimed as Masons, but evidence submitted is not completely satisfactory, being based of hearsay and "tradition", rather than documents. There are twenty-four signers who have never been claimed as Masons. The best answer the question is as follows: "Scholars have proved that eight Signers were Masons. As many as thirty may have been."


To counteract similar exaggerations about the Masonic membership of the signers of the Constitution of the United States. Brother Ronald E. Heaton also researched The Masonic membership of Signers of the Constitution, he concluded that thirteen signers were Masons. Their membership is supported by clear and conclusive written records; there are seven signers who are sometimes claimed as members, but the evidence is insufficient and not conclusive; the balance were not Masons.


Occasionally one reads the heart-warming story that President Theodore Roosevelt's gardener was master of at the time. The story illustrates how all men become equal in a Masonic lodge. However there is no evidence to support this story.


Frederick the Great, a Mason without any doubt, while in a jewelry shop in Potsdam, Germany, observed a middle-aged woman exhibiting an article of silver having certain Masonic symbols, possibly a Past Master's jewel. She was trying to borrow money on it. She said she had come to this particular shop to avoid the usurers and because the owner of the shop was a Mason. The jeweler told her that he was not in the pawnbroking business and couldn't make the loan.


Another person in the shop asked her many questions concerning the jewel, whose it was, how she had possession of it, etc. The man offered to buy the jewel and kept raining the price. When he decided to make her the loan, he discovered he had no money in his pocket. He then disclosed to the surprised woman that he was the King.


Fredrick shook his staff at the jeweler and told him that he was not fit to be a Mason and threatened to file charges against him. The following morning the woman went to see Fredrick and the palace and he instructed her to return whenever she was in need of help.


by: Micheal Mayer

So many times we seem to look at Ritual Work as not being that important, and that it doesn't have to be done that well. We feel that just need to have more Masons for our Lodges. If we fail to share the teachings properly, who do you think looses?

I would like to have you think back to that first night, it could of been a warm or cool night, that we all share. That night we were so apprehensive , or for the sake of better words, confused as to what was going to happen. Those first words you heard said at the Lodge door, asking questions and wanting answers of you, and how you were treated was only the start of your Masonic life. That life that leads most of us on a continuous journey of Masonic travel the rest of our lives.

For some of us, who had to memorize the Degree and Obligations, we share something that no one else can understand. This task of learning them, that we choose to do, and we did. This struggle teaches us what we all can do with hard work and a true desire to accomplish things.

So many times I have listened to the lectures, and still I find them as interesting as the first time I heard them. Every time I hear them, I find a new perspective that I have missed before. I fear for those that do not choose to listen to them in this way, as they will never find the lessons that are taught there in Masonry.

And as for those that give those grand lectures, they learn as well. They learn how it feels to give that perfect lecture and also when they don't get it perfectly right! Most of the time just stopping for a moment to think or to taking a breath. I think we can all learn hidden lessons here too. How we should overlook everyone's little mistakes that we all make in life. Also to remember sometimes the best intentions go wrong by accident.

"Value Your Word" For What Worth Hath a Liar!